It just seemed like I should document this.
Beginning in December 2019, in the region of Wuhan, China, a new (“novel”) Coronavirus began appearing in human beings. Scientist first discovered that coronaviruses originated among bats following the the outbreak of SARS in 2013. It has been named Covid-19, a shortened form of “Coronavirus disease of 2019.” This new virus spreads incredibly quickly between people, due to its newness – no one on earth has an immunity to Covid-19, because no one had Covid-19 until 2019. While it was initially seen to be an epidemic in China, the virus spread worldwide within months. The WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic in March, and by the end of that month, the world saw more than a half-million people infected and nearly 30,000 deaths. The infection rate in the US and other nations was still spiking.
With the Coronavirus pandemic, people all over the world have become more aware of the best practices during a pandemic, from careful handwashing to social distancing. Countries across the world declared mandatory stay-at-home measures, closing schools, businesses, and public places. Dozens of companies and many more independent researchers began working on tests, treatments, and vaccines. The push for the human race to survive the pandemic became the primary concern in the world.
The outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic is impossible to predict, at the time of this writing. But we can learn from pandemics in history to determine our best courses. These are our teachers – the Spanish flu, the AIDS pandemic, and more.
SARS (2003) It was caused by a coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). SARS was first reported in Asia in February 2003.
It’s been 17 years since a respiratory virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) appeared in China. Within months, SARS spread to more than two dozen countries in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia. By the time the global outbreak was contained, the virus had spread to over 8,000 people worldwide and killed almost 800. At the time, the Chinese government was criticized for responding slowly to the outbreak and concealing the seriousness of the illness.
Chris was serving a mission in Taiwan during the SARS outbreak. He and the other missionaries were quarantined, wore masks, and cleaned their apartments with Clorox. I will always be grateful he was protected.
Death Toll: 36 million
Tim’s brother Jeff was one of those who died from AIDS.
Death Toll: 1 million
Cause: Influenza
ASIAN FLU (1956-1958)
Death Toll: 2 million
Cause: Influenza
Death Toll: 20 -50 million
Cause: Influenza
Death Toll: 800,000+
Cause: Cholera
FLU PANDEMIC (1889-1890)
Death Toll: 1 million
Cause: Influenza
Death Toll: 1 million
Cause: Cholera
THE BLACK DEATH (1346-1353)
Death Toll: 75 – 200 million
Cause: Bubonic Plague
Death Toll: 25 million
Cause: Bubonic Plague
Death Toll: 5 million
Cause: Unknown
I like to be informed but it comes with a price, watching the news makes me fearful sometimes. I am grateful for President Trump and those that are advising him. He looks exhausted and I know this is taking a toll on him. I feel like he’s doing his best to make the right decisions to keep our cities safe, and what we need to do to bring this pandemic to an end. I pray for him.

I am also grateful for President Nelson and all who serve with him. They have made some very difficult decision the past few weeks. Temples are closed. More than half of the missionaries worldwide have been sent home.
The Lord through our Prophet has been preparing us for this.
Less than one year ago, the church announced that couples no longer have to wait a year to get sealed if they have been married civilly. The waiting period for couples who had no choice but to get married civilly while the temples were closed.
Come Follow Me - giving us time to become familiar with it. Home-centered/church supported gospel learning
General Conference - it's going to be different that we expected.
Ministering - no longer focusing on visiting people in their homes but, just a general, a personal caring connection.
We have been counseled for years to have food storage.
With social distancing comes the opportunity to find joy and contentment in the simple things. Stay home to stay safe, and don’t touch your face!
I've heard a lot advice on how to cope during this pandemic:
Stick to routine
Get out at least once a day
Stay hydrated and eat well
Listen to comforting music
Notice the good in the world, the helpers
Help each other
Find a project
Clean your house
Eat chocolate
(I added the last two!)
Spend extra time playing with children. Children will rarely communicate how they are feeling but will often make a bid for attention and communication through play. Don’t be surprised to see therapeutic themes of illness, doctor visits, and isolation play through. Understand that play is cathartic and helpful for children—it is how they process their world and problem solve, and there’s a lot they are seeing and experiencing in the now.
Expect behavioral issues in children and respond gently. We are all struggling with disruption in routine, none more than children, who rely on routines constructed by others to make them feel safe and to know what comes next. Expect increased anxiety, worries and fears, nightmares, difficulty separating or sleeping, testing limits, and meltdowns. Do not introduce major behavioral plans or consequences at this time—hold stable and focus on emotional connection.
Remind your self daily that this is temporary. Find the lesson, what can we learn from this crisis
My dear friends, our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ know us, love us, and are watching over us. Of that we can be certain.
These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him. I see evidence of His hand in this holy work in so many ways.
So, during these uncertain times, be comforted by this promise from the Savior. He said, “I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say.” I promise you that joy is always within the reach of everyone who will hear Him and obey His laws.
I love you. I pray for you. And I promise that you will receive comfort and peace as you continue to hear Him.
~ President Russell M. Nelson
March 14, 2020
Just so I NEVER forget...
April 2, 2020
All schools are cancelled
Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
Parks, trails, entire cities locked up.
Entire sports seasons cancelled.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events are all cancelled.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings all cancelled.
Churches are closed.
No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or more.
Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home.
Children's outdoor play parks are closed.
We are to distance from each other.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
Shelves are bare.
Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
Government closes the border to all non-essential travel.
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
Press conferences daily from President Trump. Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Government incentives to stay home.
Barely anyone on the roads.
People wearing masks and gloves outside.
Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
This is the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020.
As part of the Saturday evening session of general conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced a second worldwide fast. The second worldwide fast will take place on Good Friday, this Friday, April 10.
We have been counseled for years to have food storage.
With social distancing comes the opportunity to find joy and contentment in the simple things. Stay home to stay safe, and don’t touch your face!
I've heard a lot advice on how to cope during this pandemic:
Stick to routine
Get out at least once a day
Stay hydrated and eat well
Listen to comforting music
Notice the good in the world, the helpers
Help each other
Find a project
Clean your house
Eat chocolate
(I added the last two!)
I have worried about the children
and thought this was good advice.
Spend extra time playing with children. Children will rarely communicate how they are feeling but will often make a bid for attention and communication through play. Don’t be surprised to see therapeutic themes of illness, doctor visits, and isolation play through. Understand that play is cathartic and helpful for children—it is how they process their world and problem solve, and there’s a lot they are seeing and experiencing in the now.
Expect behavioral issues in children and respond gently. We are all struggling with disruption in routine, none more than children, who rely on routines constructed by others to make them feel safe and to know what comes next. Expect increased anxiety, worries and fears, nightmares, difficulty separating or sleeping, testing limits, and meltdowns. Do not introduce major behavioral plans or consequences at this time—hold stable and focus on emotional connection.
Remind your self daily that this is temporary. Find the lesson, what can we learn from this crisis
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
1 Peter 5:7
My dear friends, our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ know us, love us, and are watching over us. Of that we can be certain.
These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him. I see evidence of His hand in this holy work in so many ways.
So, during these uncertain times, be comforted by this promise from the Savior. He said, “I the Lord am bound when ye do what I say.” I promise you that joy is always within the reach of everyone who will hear Him and obey His laws.
I love you. I pray for you. And I promise that you will receive comfort and peace as you continue to hear Him.
~ President Russell M. Nelson
March 14, 2020
Just so I NEVER forget...
April 2, 2020
All schools are cancelled
Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
Parks, trails, entire cities locked up.
Entire sports seasons cancelled.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events are all cancelled.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings all cancelled.
Churches are closed.
No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or more.
Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home.
Children's outdoor play parks are closed.
We are to distance from each other.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
Shelves are bare.
Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
Government closes the border to all non-essential travel.
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
Press conferences daily from President Trump. Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Government incentives to stay home.
Barely anyone on the roads.
People wearing masks and gloves outside.
Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
This is the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020.
Currently there are 1,196,553
confirmed Coronavirus cases worldwide.
confirmed Coronavirus cases worldwide.
It has given me a measure of peace listening to President Nelson and others share messages of truth and hope this weekend.
Social distancing
As part of the Saturday evening session of general conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced a second worldwide fast. The second worldwide fast will take place on Good Friday, this Friday, April 10.
"For all whose health may permit, let us fast, pray, and unite our faith once again. Let us prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic," President Nelson said. "I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10th, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized."