Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Sunday...

Another Sunday and we are still having church at home. I pray COVID-19 will be contained soon. We enjoyed having Mark, Tiff, and the boys for dinner. Before we ate, Grandpa blessed and passed the sacrament. Then we sang "I am a Child of God." Every time I looked over at Grahm, he was smiling.

The picture is blurry, but Cash made this delicious lemon curd. He had to stir it for 30 minutes. Thanks Cash!

Friday we made a few bird nests complete with eggs. It was lots of fun.

It was warm so we also played outside. Cash tied a balloon to a tree, look close and you can see it. He popped it with an arrow! I'm looking forward to more nice Spring days.

I love this painting by Graham Braddock. 
"He is not here, for He is risen." Matthew 28:6 
Happy Sunday, Happy Easter.