Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Flame ~ Fobee ~ Seedy

Cash, Colby, and Grey entered a contest at IKEA awhile back. They drew original design for a plush toy. You could vote online, and the winner's toy would be made and sold in the IKEA stores. I voted every day for several weeks and I thought their designs were very good. They didn't win, but they were winners in my eyes! I was so proud of them.

I had the thought that I could make their toys for Christmas. The boys liked them, Colby hugged Fobee tight, Cash kept saying, "I don't know how you made this, and Grey liked Seedy's sparkly mouth. Just for fun I made Grahm an alligator. I've never made anything this before but I enjoyed making them. 

Merry Christmas my darling grandsons!