Monday, December 30, 2019

Never too old...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Colby's Christmas robe...

Colby really liked his robe! 
Christmas 2018

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Flame ~ Fobee ~ Seedy

Cash, Colby, and Grey entered a contest at IKEA awhile back. They drew original design for a plush toy. You could vote online, and the winner's toy would be made and sold in the IKEA stores. I voted every day for several weeks and I thought their designs were very good. They didn't win, but they were winners in my eyes! I was so proud of them.

I had the thought that I could make their toys for Christmas. The boys liked them, Colby hugged Fobee tight, Cash kept saying, "I don't know how you made this, and Grey liked Seedy's sparkly mouth. Just for fun I made Grahm an alligator. I've never made anything this before but I enjoyed making them. 

Merry Christmas my darling grandsons!

Christmas Eve...


I enjoy making the table look nice for our gatherings. I also like dusting off the Christmas dishes. Mark made a delicious Stew of Kings, and Tiffani and I helped with sides and dessert. It was all very delicious.

Tim gave me a piano for Christmas! About four years ago, we sold the baby grand. It was too large to fit in our Highland Cottage. This piano is just perfect. I enjoyed hearing Mark playing again. I'm hoping the boys will want to learn how to play. I have loved playing a few of my favorites again too.  

Grandpa took a moment to talk about how Jesus is the light of the world. He asked the boys how it makes them feel when it's dark, they gave answers like: scared or afraid. Then he gave us all a light. The light made them feel happy and safe.

Grandpa read John 8:12. When we follow Jesus is makes us feel warm and happy, but when we don't choose the right we feel dark and yucky.

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Colby wrote down his simple testimony and shared it with us. It was the highlight of the evening for me, I was so proud of him. I love him.

Grandpa Claus stopped by for a minute! We had fun exchanging gifts. Grahm really liked his mixer-mix.


Colby saw this cap gun at Cabela's the other day. He really wanted it so I went back to get it for him. He was happy!

Colby is so sweet. He made handmade cards and envelopes for me and Grandpa. Grandpa's card had some little origami animals he made. He also folded magazines into a Christmas tree for each of us. He is so loving and thoughtful, I will keep them forever. 

Dr. Colby Williams, veterinarian!

Isn't she lovely?! 

Tim surprised Tiffani with a bench, she really likes it!

We love our family and had a beautiful evening together. Thank you for the gifts Mark, Tiffani, and the boys. We missed Christopher, it's never quit the same without his energy and generous heart.

Christmas morning... 
just enough snow to make it a white Christmas!

Wordless Wednesday ~ Sweet Grey at church!

Monday, December 23, 2019

The matchless gift...

“It seems appropriate that giving and receiving gifts is a central part of Christmas. After all, we are celebrating the matchless gift of God’s Son, the Savior Jesus Christ. Of course, our gifts to each other will never compare to this gift, but I believe that the joy of giving and receiving gifts can turn our hearts toward the ‘gifts of God’ [Moroni 10:8].
—Douglas D. Holmes

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Poem 2019...

“Does this spark joy?” is a phase we often hear
Joy... “a feeling of great happiness” that may bring a tear.
“Scoop up all the joy” my brother once said to me
Joyful, happy moments with our family is always a guarantee.
Tim the woodworker tried his hand at turning bowls
Sharing them with friends and family was the goal.
Tim the attorney helps many families with what they are going through
He is an expert and shows love and compassion too.
Tim the neighbor is often found fixing what’s broke
Or building a staircase for some very happy folks.
Eileen is in her happy place when the grandchildren are close by
They are growing up too fast… big sigh!
She was recently honored for making a difference at school
It’s a pleasure to work with teachers and staff that are so cool!

Reading, sewing, family history, serving, and more 
That’s what you do when you have “spare time” galore!  
Our sons, daughter, and grandsons fill our lives with endless love
So much gratitude fills our hearts, they are gifts from above.
Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm come to play almost every Friday
And we just wouldn’t want it any other way
Our thoughts turn to the Savior this time of year
He is the source of enduring joy so we have no
need to fear.

“Without Christ, there would be no Christmas.
Without Christ, there can be no fullness of joy.
Without His birth and His Atonement,
we would have no intercessor,
no Advocate with the Father,
and no Mediator who makes it
possible for us to return to the presence
our loving Heavenly Father
and live together as eternal families.”

May all of your days be filled with the joy of Christmas!

With love,
Tim and Eileen
December 2019