Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Brunch...

Tiffani suggested we get together for Thanksgiving brunch, since they were having Thanksgiving dinner in Park City this year. I know we see Mark and family often but it really was so nice to be together for Thanksgiving! 

Tiffani made a delicious breakfast casserole, Mark made yummy waffles, and I made cinnamon rolls. We all wrote down on a leaf what were were thankful for and Cash offered a sweet prayer. I haven't heard him pray for awhile and it brought tears to my eyes.

Prettiest photo bomber!

 Dragon! Dragon!

 Colby has been wishing it would snow for days!

There were snow flurries off and on and it was a cozy winter day. I'm so very grateful for my family. Thanksgiving is a wonderful way to usher in the Christmas season.