Monday, September 9, 2019

Because Jesus has rules...

A friend who teaches preschool related a conversation she had with a boy in her class. From the beginning of the school year, this teacher noticed how kind this boy was. He was "all boy" during recess, but kind and considerate to everyone in the classroom. One day she pulled him aside and said, "Brandon, you are such a good member of this class. Why are you so kind to everyone?"

His immediate response was matter-of-fact: "Because Jesus has rules."

Trying to contain her grin, the teacher probed further, "What does that mean?"

He responded without hesitating: "If we want Jesus to help us , we have to follow His rules."

My friend concluded, "There you have it, the secret of a great life reduced to two sentences by a four-year-old."

Obedience to the Savior's "rules" opens the heavens and blesses us with a witness that Jesus is exactly who prophets and apostles testify that He is...

Worth the Wrestle | Sheri Dew