Chris and I also have a tradition to visit the graves of some of his friends that have passed... Big George, Dean Byrd, and his high school friend Will, that was killed in Iraq. We also saw so many other graves of people we know in the Highland Cemetery. We also go to the American Fork Cemetery to visit Luke and Le Grand's grave. There are also many pioneer graves there. It's a beautiful cemetery, so many graves with flowers on them. Chris brought some gorgeous yellow Lily's to place on the graves. He is so thoughtful, he also left some for me!
Mark's people!
It was a lovely day on Sunday and we were happy to have a break from all the rain.
We met Mark and his family at East Lawn in Provo on Monday. Tim's parents, his brother Jeff, and other family members are buried there. We also have a resting place there!
How sweet are these pictures of Chris and Grahm!
Cash took most of the pictures, he's my best photographer!
We can be together forever...