Our school was invited to help rebuild the Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove. Aides are not usually allowed to go on fields trips but our principle, Mr. Hunt asked if I would like to help. I was happy to go along to chaperone some of the 8th and 9th grade students. It was a glorious Spring day with a slight breeze, and not too hot.
The original park was build in 1996 and I took Chris and Mark there a few times. We called it the Popsicle Park. I also have been there with Cash, Colby, and Grey. It will be fun to take them to the newly rebuilt park. It should be finished on Monday.
The park was in dire need of repair. The wood had to be sanded and repainted often. The new park is being built with composite plastic that looks like wood so no more splinters!
I was so proud of our students. They worked hard and I was grateful we all had an opportunity to serve in our community.
A fun day with Cash at the old Discovery Park a few years ago!