Friday, March 29, 2019


Germany is also on my travel bucket list. My great-grandparents are from Germany. I am not sure why they left and settled in Illinois. I don't know much about them, but I do know they sacrificed a lot and worked hard to make a good life for their children. I want to travel to Germany someday and see the land of my ancestors.

Johann Ludwig “Louis” Federer was born March 19, 1848 in Unterschöntal Baden-Württemberg, Germany. I don't know what city.  

Johanna Marie Karolina Frederike “Ricka” Konrad was in born in Todenhagen, Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany on May 12, 1860. Rostock is toward the top of the state.

My Grandpa Theodore and two of his brothers, Louie, and John left Illinois and homesteaded in Cheyenne, Wyoming. 

 Theodore Federer

 Louie and Theodore Federer

John Federer

I have some family history but how I wish I would have asked more questions. I long to know more about my people. I wish they would have kept a journal. I grateful for the information some of my aunts and uncles shared with me. I did compile a book with pictures and the stories. The book is a valued treasure.