Saturday, December 29, 2018

Winter Break Sleepover...

The days after Christmas are a bit of let down and the perfect pick me up is having a sleepover with Cash, Colby, and Grey... and of course a few hours with Grahm!

We made some quicksand and the boys played with it until their hands were wrinkled. I think Colby liked it best, as you can tell by looking at his hands!

We played Googly Eyes and it always makes me smile. The boys drawings were great, even Grey. It was such fun, it's good to wear funny glasses, and have a good laugh!

We woke up to a sunny but very chilly morning. The boys slept good. Grey and I slept on one of the blowup mattresses in the closet. It was cozy and he only fell off the bed once! The boys watched a show while I made breakfast.

We talked about going to Cabela's but decided it's kind of boring, so we voted on Scheels instead. We enjoyed some target practice, went bowling, played golf, and of course ate a little fudge!

Colby told me he really, really wanted to try this game. He threw a football and made a few baskets. He did a good job!

Cash got two strikes!

We had lunch and that ended another 
wonderful day in grandma land.