Yesterday started with a wonderful sacrament meeting to celebrate the Savior's birth. The music and messages were inspiring. Tim sang in the choir and I said the closing prayer. I was grateful to feel the Spirit bear witness to me again that we do have a Savior, that Heavenly Father gave His only begotten Son... that Jesus Christ willingly gave His life so that we can be redeemed, and have the hope of eternal life.
"We miss something if we don't
see Christmas through a child's eyes."
Then as we gathered for a family dinner and a few activities, I felt so grateful to see the wonder of Christmas through Cash, Colby, Grey, and Grahm's eyes.
I like to make the table fun for the grands. Mark and family made a delicious pork and rice dish.
Decorating waffle cone Christmas trees.

A little Christmas music with the bells and chimes.
Then Santa stopped by, and even though the boys knew it was Grandpa Claus, I could see that they believe in the magic Christmas, especially Grey. He talked to Grandpa like he was the real Santa. And Grahm was not afraid to sit on Santa's lap!
Grandma Heaven!
And to all a goodnight!