Not a white Christmas this year but a beautiful sunny morning.
I love to watch everyone open their presents on Christmas morning. Cash and Colby helped pass out the gifts. The tradition is we open gifts one by one, starting with the youngest. I like it when the whole family watches and celebrates the gift opener. We plan, we purchased, and hope to find something each family member will enjoy. But I've come to realize it really is the thought that counts. Not every gift we give will have the reaction we may have hoped for. There is joy in giving no matter what the gift is. The magic is the love we have for each other, and I celebrate the gift of being together.
We had a grand breakfast. Mark and Tiffani made waffles, hash browns, sausage, and bacon. Colby helped me put the icing on the cinnamon rolls.
"All done"
Chris sent gifts from the Philippines for the boys, so very thoughtful of him!