Sunday dinner and celebrating Tiffani's birthday...
I hope her wish comes true!
My great-niece Marissa got married. She lives in Georgia, I wish I could have been there.
The 1st grade classes at Cash's school presented a patriotic program. I stayed with Grey and Grahm so Tiff could go. Grandpa said it was very good. So proud of Cash!
A drawing game clever Cash made up for Grandpa and Colby. They both got awards!
Spring soccer has started! Colby played so well. He kicked the ball a lot and even scored a goal. That made him smile so big! Mark and Tim were at Cash's game, and Grey has a game this Tuesday.
Grey and I bundled up and enjoyed watching the game.
Beautiful boy!
Playing games is so fun!
Chris and I went for a walk up Provo Canyon. It was a beautiful Spring day, and we had a good talk. He will be going to the Philippines again soon so it was nice to spend time with him.
I will miss him.