Monday, March 5, 2018

A woman is a teacher...

Woman--Of Infinite Worth, October 1989
"A woman is a master communicator. 
And she communicates best in humble prayer.
 How many of us first learned to pray 
beside the bended knees of our mothers? 
Surely she knows that her 
children can walk alone only 
when they have found their pathway 
to Father in Heaven through prayer.
Certainly, a woman is a teacher. Someone said,
 “When you teach a boy, you teach an individual, 
but when you teach a girl, 
you teach a whole generation."
~President Russell M. Nelson

Not just my own mother but so many 
 other woman in my life have been my teachers...

Grandma Federer

Aunt Bernice

Aunt Kay

My sister-in-law Mary Kay

My friend Billie