Thursday, January 11, 2018

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Nineteen years ago...

I still feel so thankful that back in 1999 that the fire that started in our home in Hidden Oaks did not cause more damage, and that we were protected. The heating pad that I was using must have a had a short, because it over heated, and started the couch on fire. We heard the fire alarm go off late one night in January. I wasn't too worried because it would often randomly go off for no reason. I did get up to check and when I looked in the family room the couch was engulfed in flames. The smoke was so bad from the fire retardant on the couch. I called for Tim and he quickly went for the fire extinguisher in the kitchen. The fire had burned the wires so we had no electricity. It was dark, and he was having trouble seeing where the extinguisher was. Mark was downstairs trying to take the battery out of the smoke detector! I went to get Chris and Mark and we started throwing pans of water on the fire. The flames were to the ceiling, Tim found the fire extinguisher and got the fire out. The fire was so hot it broke the window and melted silk plants. After it was all over we went outside because the house smelled so bad it was making our eyes burn. Mark started to cry, I think it was starting to sink in what had happened. Tim offered a prayer of gratitude that we were all safe.

The insurance adjuster said in a matter of minutes the fire would have burned through the ceiling and then it would have spread very quickly. We got everything cleaned up and replaced. 

I pray everyday that my family will be safe and protected.