It's also just a few blocks from Temple Square. We all met there then a took a walk to see the lights. Thankfully it wasn't too cold and we enjoyed seeing all the beautiful displays. Grey really liked the parking garage in Brad's building, he kept saying he wanted to go back and see the pipes.
Everyone helped bring dinner, yummy soups and lots of other good food. We had our traditional Nativity presentation by the children, always my favorite part.
When I was helping Grey get his wiseman costume on he said to me, Grandma, why am I doing this? Wait for it because it wasn't long and he was all smiles.
They are the most amazing wisemen
and shepherd I have ever seen!
and shepherd I have ever seen!

This is my favorite, I love the way Cash
and Colby are looking at Grey.
and Colby are looking at Grey.
The Queen's Storyteller also made an appearance this year. Cash took all these picture, they are so good!
This one is so cool, The Queen's Storyteller
was especially snazzy this year!
was especially snazzy this year!
What a wonderful night. We really missed Tiffani, Grahm, and Christopher. It's never quite the same without all our family there, and I love my family so much. Just a few more days until Christmas!