In sixty days I will be 60 years old, yikes! It does sound a bit old. It doesn't alarm me that I'm this old. I know sometimes I look older, but I don't really feel old.
I'm not trying to hide it, my sons are in their thirties and I am a grandma. That alone is worth being 60!
I think what is a bit unsettling is that my brothers, sister, cousins, and I are now the oldest of our generations.
We still have one aunt and uncle, but it won't be long that we will take our place at the top of the family tree. I had fifteen aunts and uncles, and they have all passed away but two! Not to mention my parents and grandparents, and two of my brothers, who passed away way too early. I have said goodbye to many other family members. At times that makes 60 seem pretty old.
I think it best to embrace this milestone, and keep trying to live a happy and healthy life.
I do look back sometimes and think, wasn't it just last year that Chris and Mark graduated from high school and were heading off to serve missions? It bring tears to my eyes sometimes thinking about how fast time goes by.
I guess it's unfamiliar territory to be turning 60, strange or not it's still a wonderful time of life. At 60, my grandson's like to come over and have Grandma Camp, sleepovers, and other adventures with me. That is sweet joy!
I realize that life can be messy, complicated, and sometime difficult. But it seems there are less of those times now. I finally know that I can't fix everything, and that I should not worry so much. Perspective provides some needed calm and peace. Most of all I feel so much gratitude for all that I have.
I need to keep trying to eat well and exercise, I don't want to feel like an old geezer! I always want to feel young at heart. A few weeks ago a woman in our ward who is her 95th year, walked on her own to the front of the chapel to bear her testimony. She had a cane, but she did remarkably well. She shook a little, however her voice was strong. She admitted to having a foggy memory, but she told several inspirational life experiences, and ended by giving thanks for all her blessings. I'm sure I wasn't the only thinking that I want to be more like Sister Johnson. She is definitely embracing old age, and is young at heart.
Another nice thing about getting older is that start worry less about what other people think, you need just a few good friends, and being nice is more important than being pretty.
Most of the time I would rather just stay home, I like the routine that Tim and I have. There's comfort in that. We don't need too much excitement to be happy.
So I will enjoy that last few days of being fifty-something!
What shall I do with the rest of my life?
I will try to savor every day, and always be grateful!