Mary KayMary Kay had not been feeling well the morning of July 12, just eight days after this Facebook post. She made an appointment to go later in the day to a doctor, but after her symptoms began to escalate, her sister took her early. Doctors were at a loss to diagnose her and sent her by ambulance to Wyoming Medical Center in Casper, where her heart stopped. She was resuscitated and put on life support. As the family gathered around Mary Kay, they weren’t too worried initially because no way would their mother ever give up.
July 4 at 7:35pm
My strength comes from having God in my corner and enjoying each day I have been blessed with knowing it could be my last.
Love my life, every inch of it.
We all prayed that Mary Kay would wake up. The hours went slowly by and there was no change in her condition. The heartbreaking news came that she suffered irreversible brain damage, and it was time to take her off life support. She fought on until a little after midnight on July 14. Who could ever imagine that this incredible person who made such a difference was gone. She really did live each day like it could be her last.
Following a sheepherder wagon
Mary Kay loved her high school football team. She only missed one game in twelve years, that includes JV and Varsity games. She road the bus to away games. If a student was struggling, she would be there to encourage them.
She organized tailgate parties, so the town organized one grand one before her memorial service.
It was comforting to see my family and get and give hugs. There were a lot given that night. I was especially grateful that I could see my nephews and give them a hug. I went there to give them support and comfort, but as it turns out they comforted me.
Shaylynn, Mandy, Jasper, Carl, Heidi, Marion, me, and Jimmy before the tailgate party began.
Mandy with her son's Paden and Jasper, and nephew Teigan
Jimmy and his daughter Shalynn
Lloyd and Carl
Theo, Mandy and their children Raeland, Jasper, and Paden
Raeland enjoying the tailgate party
Jake and me
Lloyd with his sweetheart Rhonda
I love my brothers!
Lloyd and Marion, me and my nephew Jimmy
The football team and Mary Kay's grandchildren road on top of firetrucks into the stadium.

Mary Kay's mom began to shake and the EMT's were right there to make sure she was okay. It brought tears to my eyes. There were many tears shed that night.
A beautiful Wyoming sunset to end the day...
Mary Kay's son Carl said the the suddenness of it all hit him like a bomb. He also said the last thing their always upbeat and highly spirited mother would want them to do is to sit around holding a pity party.
Carl said everyone is asking each other what we’re all going to do without her? He shrugged and said; “We’re going to do what Mom would want us to do: put on our boots and go to work.
“That’s what she’d do.”
Carl ~ Jimmy ~ Mary Kay ~ Kaylynn ~ Jake
Life does go on, but it won't be the same without Mary Kay.
Until we meet again...