Friday, June 30, 2017

Heirloom Cradle...

For Cash... September 2010

 For Colby... September 2012

For Grey... October 2014

I have a few sentimental things that I have saved, some of my mother's and grandmother's dishes. I also have a few pieces of jewelry that belonged to them as well. I sometimes value organization over sentimentality - especially since we moved into a smaller home last year. It keeps our place less cluttered. But I always want to keep the things I love the most. 

One of my favorite treasures is the cradle that Tim made. For a short time all of our grandson's have slept in it. I love the way it looks, and I have loved making new bedding for each one of them.

I don't know if it will be passed down to Cash, Colby, or Grey's children, but that would be wonderful. Passing on things is what heirlooms are all about. The cradle will always be my favorite thing that Grandpa Tim has made.

Come August 3, another precious grandson will sleep in the cradle. It's all ready, and I can't wait to meet grandson #4. I love him already!