Sunday, April 30, 2017


As it turns out Saturday was not the best day for our family. It started of with Colby falling face first on the black top as they were walking to Cash's soccer game. I could hear him crying as soon I got out of the car. Mark was holding him, patting his back. I heard him say, we love you and I know it hurts. He skinned his nose pretty good. It wasn't too long, and he was happy and running around again.

Cash had fun at his soccer game and scored another goal.

Later that day Cash was jumping on the neighbor's trampoline. Some bigger kids were on the trampoline and bounced Cash, he put his arm down to break to fall, and it broke both the radius and ulna bone in his forearm. Mark text me to tell me he thought Cash broke his arm. I said maybe it was just a sprain. Mark said no, because it looked crooked. My heart sank.

Mark said shortly after Cash came in the house, he said he wanted to have a prayer. After the prayer Mark said that Cash expected his arm to be healed right then... the faith of a child. 

I told Tim and he jumped in the truck and headed for the hospital. I went to stay with Colby and Grey so Mark could join Tiff and Cash at the hospital.

 Oh the love of a mother...

I pray everyday, morning and night that Cash, Colby, and Grey will never have any serious illness or injury. I was so thankful that Cash did not have to have surgery. He had to be sedated to reset his arm. He will get a hard cast on Wednesday, and will have to wear it for six weeks. He will be good as new in no time, and will be able to enjoy summer activities.

But I feel so sad he will miss the rest of the soccer season, but there will be more games. I mentioned to Colby that I was sad, and he said it's okay you can still watch me play! 

Colby and Grey had a sleepover with Grandma. They are so wonderful and we had fun. Grey seemed worried about Cash, he kept saying Cash broke his bone. We made cards for Cash and they sure love their big brother.

Cash and Mark came over today to watch the Jazz game. It made me so happy to see him feeling better. We played with some toys and a few games. He also ate really well.

 Cash is a brave sweet boy, and is so loved!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

You light up my heart...

Cash, Colby and Grey really do light up my heart. My day can be in the toilet, but as soon I see them, and get hugs the worst day becomes better.

Tiff had a doctor appointment today so I stayed with Colby and Grey. Colby and I usually play games until Grey wakes up. I could hear Grey in his room singing, so I went and got him. He always smiles when he see me.

We were waiting for Cash to get out of school, and Grey started singing "They are stars, they are stars." We were all laughing, he was so cute! Colby started singing with him.

Cash lost another tooth and got a handsome haircut.

I really love my grandsons!

ThrowBack Thursday ~ Mark and Chris...

Ordination Day for Chris...

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hi Yah...

Cash likes his karate class and he looks awesome in his gi!

(Photo Credits to Tiff)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wrist Bands, Bunnies, and Soccer...

Colby loves to wear elastic bands on his wrists. It's so endearing and he's the sweetest!

"Grandma, this is what bunnies do."

His first soccer game was rained out, and it made him sad.

 (Photo credits to Tiff)

The weather was nice the next day so he got to play his first soccer game of the season. He's definitely the cutest soccer player on the team!

And he's off!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

ThrowBack Thursday ~ My big brother...

Kenny is very sick. He has congestive heart failure, COPD, and cirrhosis of the liver. Late last night his son Jimmy called me, he said Kenny was having chest pains and they were taking him to the emergency room. He had a CAT scan and there are spots on both his liver and lungs that cancerous. The doctors can only do their best to keep him comfortable. I'm so glad I went to Cheyenne the first part of April to see him. 

Last night Jimmy said, "I don't know what I'm going to do without him. He has been my rock, good or bad he's always been there."

Oh I pray Kenny will feel peace and will not suffer too long. 

This is hard.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter Sunday with my favorite peeps...

My sister-in-law made this Easter basket with real grass. I brought it with me from Wyoming last week!

Grey is showing me his hands after dyeing Easter eggs!

Dinner, Resurrection Rolls, a treasure hunt with Easter surprises, strawberry shortcake, and a walk to the park on a beautiful Easter Sunday.

I do not have a perfect knowledge, but I do believe that because of the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, we have the hope of eternal life, and an eternity with my family that I love so much. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Sustaining faith...

"Sustaining faith can be the ultimate comfort in life. All of us must find our own testimonies."
—James E. Faust, "Lord, I Believe; Help Thou Mine Unbelief"

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Spring Soccer has begun...

We love to watch Cash play soccer and as an added bonus Mark was the coach today!

 Colby took a lot of these pictures!

 Cash scored a goal in the 4th quarter, Go Fire!