Monday, September 12, 2016


 Eileen, Terri, Cindy, Cherie, Lloyd, Aunt Kay, Brenda, Debbie, Mike and Chelsea the dog

Mike, Chelsea, Cherie son Brett (he lost 210 pounds), Terri, Cindy, Cherie, Lloyd, Aunt Kay, and Debbie

My cousin Mike shared some Yogi-isms at Uncle Dale’s memorial service on Saturday. Uncle Dale liked Yogi Berra. He was considered one of the best catchers in major league history.  

He said, “If you knew my Dad you would know he valued a sense of humor, and he loved his Yogi-isms.”

Mike went on to share Uncle Dale’s top 10 favorites: 

# 10  I guess that’s the earliest I’ve ever been late. 

#9  If a cowboy doesn’t love his horse and dog, there is something wrong with him. (I think Mike said this was his)

#8  When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

#7  Good fences make good neighbors.

#6  Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.

#5  Ninety percent of the games is half mental.

#4  A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.

#3  I just want to thank everyone who made this day necessary.

#2  If you need a word to the wise, ask someone smarter than you.

#1  Always go to others people’s funeral, otherwise they won’t come to yours.

Then Mike said, “Thank you and Halleluiah!” I love you Mike.

We all loved Uncle Dale’s sense of humor, his stories, and his ability to make us laugh.  

Mike did a good job and I was proud of him. I got to walk with Mike at the Avila Beach Pier near their home. It was wonderful to reminisce with him about Uncle Dale and Aunt Judy. He said he misses his Mom everyday and is already feeling the void since Uncle Dale passed away.