It's taken me a long time to realize that feelings of sadness after a loved one passes away does not show a lack of faith. I do feel peace knowing and hoping we will see our loved ones again. At the same time, I sometimes feel heartbroken. We often say how grateful we are that they are not in pain or suffering anymore, but that does not take away the profound loss. Even those with a strong testimony feel a deep sadness at a loved one's passing. Grief does not equate a loss of faith. Grief is the price we pay for loving someone.
My dear Uncle Dale passed away Tuesday, August 30th around 7:30pm. I am heartbroken and sad. He was a great man. I enjoyed talking to him on the phone. He sent me cards. He often told me that he was proud of me and my family. Of all the family members, he was most grateful for the Federer Centennial book I compiled in honor of the 100th anniversary of Grandpa filing his homestead claim. He sent me numerous thank you notes. What I loved most about him was his sense of humor and listening to him tell stories. My favorite memory occurred after the funeral for Uncle Carl. I was at Uncle Carl's ranch with Aunt Bernice, Aunt Kay, and a few of my cousins. We stayed up late into the night reminiscing. Uncle Dale was in rare form, and told story after story. I have never laughed or cried so much in my life. I cherish that time.

I'm sure there was a very happy Heavenly reunion.
Dad loved his brothers and Grandma has all her sons with her once again. I will miss you Uncle Dale.