Sunday, August 14, 2016

Grandma's Science Camp and Sleepover...

I have thought about having a Grandma Summer Camp for a few years. I knew Cash and Colby were old enough, so this was the summer! I decided on a science theme. I searched for experiments that I thought Cash and Colby would like. I found lab coats and safety goggles. Without a doubt this is one of the best and most fun experiences I have had with Cash and Colby. It's so wonderful when your plans turn out better than expected! I hope this is an annual event, and next year Grey can join us. I don't like leaving him out.

 Experiment #1
Snow Storm in a Jar

The expression on Cash's face says it all, he loved every experiment. He could not get enough, he would have happily done many more.

Experiment #2
Yogurt Silly Putty

Short break and a snack... they are watching science experiments on the i-Pad!

Experiment #3
Lava Lamp

 Colby looks so darn cute in his safety glasses!

The Lava Lamp was Cash and Colby's favorite experiment! 

Experiment #4
Cloud and Rain

Cash is so meticulous. He also had me write down on pieces of paper the things we needed for each experiment, then he would put them by the appropriate supply. He saw that on the experiments he was watching on You Tube.  

Colby has his own style, and did a good job with each experiment. This was a very hands on experience. As much as possible I let them do each step on their own. I read the instructions and both Cash and Colby followed along very well. They are smart boys!

Experiment #5
Pop Rock Balloons

This was also a fun experiment, and eating the Pop Rocks was a bonus!

 By the way Cash has a loose tooth!

Snuggling with Cash and Colby in the morning was the best part of the camp for me. We talked for awhile, then got up and played a game, and yes, Cash did a few more experiments!

Colby and Grey also got in on the action. We ended our fun weekend with a birthday breakfast for Mark. I tried copycat Gandolfo's breakfast sandwhiches. They were pretty good.

Hurry back little scientists!