Mark and Tiffani have had more than their share of colds and all that comes with that. They have all been sick. Everyone was feeling better and then Grey got really sick. He may have RSV. He has had trouble breathing. I left work early on Friday so I could watch Cash and Colby while Mark and Tiff took Grey to the doctor. He had a treatment with a nebulizer. They also rented one to have at home. Last report Grey is doing better. Seeing him so sick was hard for me and I know it's especially difficult for Mark and Tiff. They love their boys so much.
When Mark came to get Cash and Colby, I had a feeling it would help if they slept over with Grandma. I knew they needed to focus on taking care of Grey.
We always have fun together. Cash and Colby are good boys. We all had a good nights sleep and I love waking up to their sweet smiles.
Chris and Mark watched Pound Puppies when they were young. I saved a few of their Pounds Puppies, and Colby liked playing with them.
Morning cartoons and waffles...
Colby slept with his friends Nuts. Colby snuggled up to me all night. I moved him over a few times but he always ended up right next to me, but I love it.
I was searching for a cartoon to watch and found Pound Puppies.

Colby and Cash like to make drinks.
This time they made some "tea" with cinnamon sticks, lemon, and a pinch of sugar.
Grandpa had a sip and gave it a thumbs up!
Cash is a kind, sensitive boy. Here a few things he said this past weekend.
When I walked outside with them on Friday, they wanted to shovel some snow. Cash headed over to the neighbors home where Bree lives. He started to shovel snow off their sidewalk and then he said he wanted to help his friends.
When Cash and Colby were making their "tea," I gave them a fresh lemon to squeeze in it. Tim said, Grandma likes to drink Coke with lemon sometimes. I said, I'm trying not to drink it anymore because it's not good for you. Cash said, it's good for cleaning tires. Smart boy!
When Cash was getting ready to take a bath, he took his clothes off and put them in the hamper without being asked. He said, You can't leave your clothes laying around on the floor. He said Mommy told him that.
We knelt down to say bedtime prayers and I said we need to pray for Grey. Then I said, I hope he's feeling better. Cash said, One time there was a baby named Spencer... I don't know what sickness he had, but we prayed for him lots of times and now he is all better.
I know I will have many more opportunities to serve my family and I welcome any chance I have to help out. I love them all with all my heart.