Friday, December 4, 2015

The First Gift of Christmas...

In the "Polar Express" a boy is handpicked by Santa to receive the first gift of Christmas. Realizing that he could choose anything in the world, the boy asks for one bell from one of the reindeer's harnesses.

He stood, holding the bell high above him, and called out, "The first gift of Christmas!"
I have always wanted to give gifts on December 1st, the first gift of the Christmas season. I chose Mark and his family, from my heart to theirs. It was a sweet moment to see how excited Cash and Colby were to see their gift box. I made them Christmas pillow cases with a soft fleece blanket for their beds. Cash kept saying, I love this. I had a little something for Mark, Tiff and Grey too. I love to give, it warms my heart. I hope that they felt the love that was also wrapped up in the gifts. I think they did. 


Sweet baby Grey!

 So handsome

I love that sweet face

 Warm and cozy

Happy boy

 Countdown to Christmas...

Snowball makers that doubles as a distress call, who knew!

They sounded like a duck call! 

Cash and Colby put the gifts in their rooms. As I was getting in my car, it was sweet to look up and see one of the snowflakes I gave them hanging in the window of Cash's room.

I love my family.