I love to have them stay the night, because it's so fun not to rush the evening. We had time to do crafts, play games, read Christmas books and watch a show.
"I'm making this for Mommy."
Making a popcorn Santa with Grandpa.
Elmo and Grandpa Santa's!
Cash made Santa with his sleigh also, he's very creative.
Cash and Colby are polite, sweet boys. Someone dropped a toy on the floor and I was going to pick it up. Cash said he would get it, because I do nice things for him and he wanted to do something nice for me.
After baths we read books and watched a Christmas edition of Blaze.
Cash and Colby had their pillows and stuffed animals. We made a bed for them using an air mattress and lots of warm blankets. We said a bedtime prayer and got them all cozy. Colby said he missed Dad and was scared. He flipped and flopped all around for awhile. I laid by him and then I asked him if wanted to get in my bed. He said yes and continued to be restless. He told me my bed was not comfortable and wanted to go back to the air mattress. Cash asked him to be quiet because he was tired. He said maybe if he had some warm milk it would help him fall asleep. I got some milk and it wasn't long until they were both fast asleep.
We played "Dragon" with some cool new light sabers for over an hour.


I'm so glad I saved some of Chris and Mark's toys, I wished I would have kept more of them. Cash and Colby like playing with the Nerf guns.