Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas party Williams style...

I really enjoyed the Williams family Christmas party this year. Terri and Holley organized the gathering, and it was very nice.

Silly Colby... We decided not to do dinner, but the appetizers and sweets were delicious.

Handsome reindeer... Cash enjoying one of Christopher's yummy specialty drinks. Colby saw Grandpa's drink and he was going to share but Colby said, I want my own!

I had fun with Billie, she's so sweet. I haven't seen her for a long time. Brooke told me she will rarely go to people she's not familiar with. I was happy she let me hold her.

 Happy little Grey Max!

 Christmas limbo, go Colby!

 It was fun to watch the cousins play together.

You got it Cash!

Colby was the champ!

Kennan and Chris are not only cousins but good friends. Pre-school through 12 grade, Sunbeams to Young Men's and Young Women's... as Kennan said, "with this handsome cousin by my side since 1982!"

Cash was so excited to have a part in the Nativity. He came over to me and said, "Grandma I get to be the myrrh guy."

Cute boys... that Ezzie is a pistol!

Always my favorite part of the night...

 Remembering the birth of the Savior through the eyes of child... 

Sweet baby Pearl was born a week and a half ago, just in time to be baby Jesus in the Nativity. She's perfect. I didn't think Brooke would bring her to the party, but I'm glad she did.

 Time for the Queen's Storyteller.

 The one and only Uncle Lee!

 And that's a wrap!

Wonderful night with a great family!