I got a lot of compliments on my costume this year and some even said I have the same qualities that Mary Poppins has. "Practically perfect in every way", boy do I have them fooled! With the exceptions of three or four students, everyone knew who I was.
Holley was Thing 2, all of the Special Ed department dressed as Thing 1, 2, 3, etc. and the department head Mr. Ehlen dressed up as the Cat in the Hat. Becca and Cheyenne came for a visit, it was such a treat to see them!
Mrs. Puida was a character from Harry Potter, Madam Bellatrix Lestrange. She loves all things Harry Potter. She is such a delightful person, so sweet and kind. It's a pleasure to be her assistant.
My school peeps... Carol was a pirate, duh and Tori was Sadness from the movie Inside Out.
Mr. Arteta, the Spanish teacher was the clear winner for the best costume. He is always a good sport and the one who wears the scariest costumes!
The fire alarm went off during lunch which never happens. It scared the heck out of us. Thankfully it was a false alarm but by law the fire department has to respond and check every room in the school. We were outside for over an hour but the students didn't seem to mind. The fireman were checking the pressure in the hydrants in the area and it caused the pressure in our fire sprinklers to drop which then caused the alarm to trigger. It is sooo loud. All fascinating info for those who look at my blog!
Anyway, Happy Halloween 2015!