Colby is still too small for some of the games and rides but he is such a good sport about it. He hopped in the bumpers cars with Cash and had fun being the passenger. Preschoolers for the most part live in the moment, which can make waiting hard. They are thinking about what they want right now. However, sweet Colby has patiently waited for his turn to play soccer and to be tall enough to be in the drivers seat. Cash doesn't make him feel bad that he's not big enough, but tells him it will still be fun.
Colby was happy he got to ride the motorcycle all by himself!
Grandpa stopped by Jungle Jim's on the way to an appointment. He played a quick game of air hockey with Cash.
I will miss the more carefree days of summer. It's back to school tomorrow. But afternoons are always open for a date with my darling grandsons. I love them so much!