My dear mother
many years ago...

It was a year ago on July 15th that my Mom passed away. Temple ordinances for deceased persons generally cannot be performed until one year or more after the date of death. I had Mom's information recorded on Family Search and just a few minutes before midnight on July 15th, I printed out a family ordinance request form to take to the temple.

I felt humbled and honored that I would be the one stand as proxy and perform the sacred ordinances in her behalf.
My Mom stopped attending church about the time she and Dad were divorced. Dad was still going to the Nazarene church and it made her uncomfortable. She stilled prayed and was grateful to God for her blessings. She told me that often.
We follow the example of the Savior when He was baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus was perfect but yet He showed us the way. Baptism by water is a necessary ordinance for people to return to Heavenly Father. Mom died without receiving a valid baptism and the other temple ordinances.
Baptisms for the dead have been observed throughout the history of Christ's Church. 1 Corinthians 15:29 says: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" A just and righteous God would not punish the millions of people who have lived on the earth and never had the opportunity to learn of the gospel and baptism. The Savior Himself declared that He was God of both the living and the dead, 'for all live unto him' (Luke 20:38), showing that He regards them all in the same light.
When I prayed Monday night, (July 20th) I knew I better get to the temple in the morning to perform the ordinances for Mom. I left her temple card at Christopher's house on Thursday, so I thought I maybe I would just go to the Salt Lake Temple but it was closed for cleaning. I called the Draper Temple but they were busy so I went to the Jordan River Temple. It was the first temple I visited and it was during the open house. Tim took me their before we were married, so it felt right.
The day could not have gone more smoothly. A large group of youth were doing baptism for the dead, so I let them do the baptism and confirmation. I watched as Mom's name came up on the screen and I was filled with joy. I also went into the confirmation room as the temple worker confirmed her a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I felt the Spirit so strong in initiatory. The temple workers were very sweet. I was so filled with emotion that I could not speak. The temple worker said, take your time. I finally was able to say Mom's name and it was a moment I will never forget. The temple worker said, it this your Mom? ...and I said, yes. She smiled and said, I knew it. The temple workers all hug me, it almost felt like I was getting a hug from my Mom. During the endowment session I felt more relaxed and enjoyed the spirit and sacredness of the day.
Now Mom has the opportunity to choose, she can accept or reject it. I have a feeling she has already accepted it. Chris said that Johnnie Belle was probably right there, helping understand and teaching her all she needs to know!
Families are forever... I choose to believe that.