I love Colby's early morning face!
Cash and Colby have never seen Star Wars but they still like watching the Yoda balloon inflate.
Colby was not sure about the Stormtrooper's and the other Star Wars characters.
Best seat in the house!
Wyoming cowboy balloon!
Baby Grey liked seeing all the pretty balloons!
We made it home in time to decorate Cash and Colby's bikes for the Hidden Oaks parade. They were so excited to throw candy at the parade goers. Grey was tired so I stayed home with him.
After the parade Mark made a delicious breakfast. Cash asked me weeks ago if we could do the "poke" game. It was his idea to have it be Poke the Flag. They love this activity and we had a wonderful 4th of July morning. Then we all needed a nap!
God bless America, land that I love!
Later on we enjoyed a spectacular fireworks show at Mark and Tiff's home. Fireworks were going off all around us. Mark had some impressive aerials!
Chris came down on Sunday and we had another delightful day. Fabulous dinner, games, and just being together!
Best Uncle!
I love this flag that hangs on Christopher's porch and I love my family!