Over the next month, Theo slowly began to get feeling back in his arms and legs, making a miraculous recovery. All told, he spent a week in Denver health and five weeks in Craig Rehabilitation. His recovery has been ongoing, and he had an additional six weeks of occupational therapy and has not returned to work.
Theo had a check up recently and everything is healing good. The doctor said the vertebrae are growing together like there suppose to, but his neck is still vulnerable.
Theo said and I quote from his own words, "I'm figuring out that there is more to enjoy in life, so I'm done riding colts and bulldogging. I'll still do horseback activities like roping, branding, gathering or working cows, etc.
This was the first 4th of July in over 10 years I didn't rodeo, but I really enjoyed it. I was able to visit with old friends at the rodeos, play a game of softball, and spend a lot of family time. I truly believe I have recovered as well as I have because of my tough blood, positive attitude, and loving support from my friends and family. This is a miracle and there is no doubt I'm meant for bigger things.
I would like to thank my wife Brittney for being there through it all. Through both wrecks I wouldn't have made it without her. Thank you babe, I love you and I can only hope I can pay you back. Thank you to all my family and friends that helped and prayed.
I'm still out of work but all I need is a doctors signature (who's on vacation this week) and I can get back. I am both excited and anxious. Thank you everyone for your support spirituality, monetarily, and sharing my story on Facebook. I'm truly blessed."There were lots of encouraging words and offers of prayers posted on Facebook for Theo. But one stood out... my cousin Kyle said something like he will be all right, he's Federer strong. Well this phrase has become our sign off on most of our Facebook post now. And I knew it had to be the theme for the reunion this year.

I have had the pleasure of organizing the last three reunions. I have always had a lot of help and enjoy the preparations. I planned the Homestead Centennial in 2010 to honor Grandma and Grandpa Federer and last year the mini-reunion that we called Decoration Day.
This year I wanted to do something memorable so I thought about what I could say about our Federer heritage. "Federer Strong" means different things to each of us. I think for most of us we draw strength from Grandpa and Grandma's example. They beat the odds and work hard all their lives. Family was everything.
My brother Lloyd reserved Clear Creek Park for the reunion. I had a moment of inspiration and made table decorations from prairie flowers. I got them from the field where I grew up. Beautiful larkspur and wild clover, I loved the way they turned out.
What a sight, it was such a gorgeous day. To some the prairies of Wyoming may look desolate, but I really love the land.
I spent most of Friday making sure I had everything ready for the reunion on Saturday. I did take a few minutes to visit my niece Julie and her family and dear friends Richard and Judy. It was great to see them.
Jimmy text me Friday afternoon and said he would be team roping at the Laramie Jubilee Days rodeo. I wouldn't miss a chance to see my nephew rope so headed to Laramie, it's only about 45 minutes from Cheyenne.
Rodeos are always very patriotic.
The sun was bright, my great-nephew Gabe shielding his eyes.
James and my great-niece Kallie.
Still waiting...
A little mutton busting before the rodeo begins! These little kids hang on for dear life!
Mary Kay and her grandson Gabe. Mary Kay is so kind and loving. I really love her. She always says, "love you bunches."
My nephew Carl and his oldest daughter Kristian. It was the first time I have met her, she's a sweetie.
I sure love my nephew Carl, all of Kenny's boy are polite and respectful. They work hard and are all about family.
Bronc riding event
Gotta love the rodeo clown!
Jimmy did great but his partner missed. It was still really fun to watch.
I got to snuggle with Kallie, it got cold toward the end of the rodeo.
What a treat to hang out with my nephews. I don't see them often but I sure love Carl and Jimmy!
Saturday morning I went to the park and my brother Lloyd and my cousin Doug helped me get everything ready.
Saturday morning I went to the park and my brother Lloyd and my cousin Doug helped me get everything ready.
I found a chalkboard I liked and this quote. Mark has such nice handwriting that I asked him to write it on the memory board. I had a few pictures of family members that have passed on. "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us everyday... unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear."
Everything was ready, just had to wait for everyone to arrive!