Monday, June 8, 2015

"I'm in the dugout..."

Thursday Cash had his very first T-Ball game. I think he really likes playing T-Ball. He said some cute things... He showed me his baseball glove and with a big smile said, "I got this." I went to say Hi to him when he was in the dugout. He said, "I'm in the dugout" and then pointed to his friend and said, "This is Bree." Bree is his next door neighbor and she likes Cash!

First time up to bat and with the bases loaded, Cash got a home run. He hit the ball straight down the middle of the field. 

 Cash can run really fast!

Tiff was comforting Colby. He wants to play too. He ran around the bases but was sad he had to get off the field. 

 Gus Gus!

I love this sequence of Colby trying to put on a hat and sunglasses during the game!

Love, love the Grands!