Saturday, January 3, 2015


"Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way."

I miss President Hinckley. I listened to a talk he gave tonight. It happened to be on forgiveness. I loved hearing his voice and his timeless words. I always knew he was a Prophet of God. His message caused me wonder how I can improve on being more loving, kinder and forgiving in the coming year. So I can remember, I'm putting an excerpt from the talk on my blog.
"The great Atonement was the supreme act of forgiveness. The magnitude of that Atonement is beyond our ability to completely understand. I know only that it happened, and that it was for me and for you. The suffering was so great, the agony so intense, that none of us can comprehend it when the Savior offered Himself as a ransom for the sins of all mankind.

It is through Him that we gain forgiveness. It is through Him that there comes the certain promise that all mankind will be granted the blessings of salvation, with resurrection from the dead. It is through Him and His great overarching sacrifice that we are offered the opportunity through obedience of exaltation and eternal life.

May God help us to be a little kinder, showing forth greater forbearance, to be more forgiving, more willing to walk the second mile, to reach down and lift up those who may have sinned but have brought forth the fruits of repentance, to lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more." ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2005