Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Williams Family Christmas Party 2014

Terri suggested we have those who served a mission bring a dish that represented their mission. It was her way of remembering Mark and Dianna who are currently serving a mission in Peru. I wish I had taken a picture because the food was incredible. It was the best we have ever had. Places represented were Taiwan, Denmark, Sweden, Kentucky, Austria, New York and England.

It was a wonderful evening with an equally wonderful family.

 It was a noisy crowd but Grey snoozed away. 

Cash and Colby love Uncle Lee and the yummy food.

 Beautiful Tiff and sweet baby Grey.

 Grey enjoyed his first family party!

Minie and Cash waiting patiently for The Queen's Storyteller.

I wish I had a picture of Cash when he saw Lee. He had a big smile, and a look of pure delight.

 We all agree this was The Queen's Storyteller best costume.

Beloved Uncle Lee

I love Colby's face, he liked seeing Uncle Lee but it's hard to sit still while The Queen's Storyteller reads a kind of long story. I asked Colby the next day if he liked Lee's story and costume and he said, "I want to do it again."

Cash never took his eyes off Uncle Lee. 

 The Nativity is always the best part of the night and this year it was especially sweet.

 Cash, Colby and Mark were the Wiseman... they were wonderful!

 Cutest little Wiseman ever!

This picture of Cash melts my heart. He didn't want to be in the Nativity but changed his mind. I think he felt something in his heart. 

Silent night, Holy night...