Sunday, August 24, 2014

Progress #10 ~ Taking shape...

The Williams family home is really taking shape. It's seems like it's always cloudy when I stop by!

Front door is on and it looks great.

"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open."
~ John Barrymore
What a beautiful home, it will be finished in no time.

The backyard will be so perfect for Cash, Colby and ?? to run around and play! Planting a few trees will give them some privacy.


I know someone who has really wanted a fireplace! I know Tiff will be sitting nearby a lot!

This will keep everyone warm.

Lovely entry way...

The views... just can't get over how gorgeous the views are from every area of their home!

There's Mark, Tiff, Cash and Colby's current home in the distance.
