Lloyd hooked his big horse trailer to the pick up and with the help of Heidi, Troy and Jimmy we got busy. The experience was more sweet than bitter. We had fun, even though it was a lot of work. Marion said, "I so enjoyed our time together. I feel so much better because of the good memories we all shared of Mom."
Heidi has been an angel through all this. She went to see Mom everyday. She worked so hard and did so with a smile on her face.
Jimmy also helped with the heavy lifting. I was glad he was there to help Lloyd. He has a big heart.
Lloyd and I had a lot of fun sorting through Mom's things. I'm wearing a bonnet Mom worn in a Frontier Days parade many years ago.
The picture is a little blurry, but Kenny helped sort through some papers. He gets tired easy but he got it done.
Grandpa Federer gave Mom this sewing machine shortly after she and Dad got married. She became an expert seamstress. She made me so many pretty dresses.
I learned to sew on this machine. Heidi wanted it and I was happy for her to have it.
Jimmy making a beer run on Mom's power chair!!
Lloyd and Marion taking a "coffee" break!
We enjoyed having dinner together after working hard all day.
We were all fascinated by the bartender's hair, hmmm!
It took us two full days to get everything boxed up and the house cleaned.
It was a good experience to spend this time with my family. We made more memories together that I will always cherish. I love them so much.
Friday morning I stopped at Buttery's and bought some flowers and chocolates to take to Davis. There was a nurse I especially wanted to thank. Wendy was so incredible and compassionate. As I was walking down the hall to the nurses office, she came around the corner. I was so happy she was there, so I could thank her in person. We hugged and cried, I hope she knew how much we appreciated her. An RN named Dave asked us one morning if he could say a prayer. Lloyd said yes, so Marion, Lloyd and I held hands and he offered a beautiful prayer. Hospice nurses have a special gift.
I also drove by Mom's house one more time. I was overcome by the many answers to prayers.
I will always remember Mom standing by the door and watching me drive away. I know she stood there until I was no longer in site. I know she loved me, and I love her.