Monday, June 9, 2014

From Here to Heaven...

Pure and simple: I miss you.

Dad always had a few cuts on his hands. Whether he was laying brick or working on the farm, he labored with all he had.

Today my Dad would have been 87 years old. To think he has been gone for almost 21 years is hard to believe.

I do miss him, and hardly a day goes by that I don't think about him.

Dad had planned to spend the "Golden Years" with Alice at her home in Ogden. He was already very sick when they moved to Utah. Every day for 3 weeks, I drove to Ogden to visit him in the hospital. He fought hard but the cancer had spread to his lungs. I will always consider it a tender mercy that I could be with him during his final days here on earth.

I miss his unconditional love, his strength and kindness.

From here to heaven, Happy Birthday Dad!

I love you so much!