Tuesday, April 8, 2014
This is my Grandma Edna. I spent time with her almost every day all of my growing up years. She was my closet neighbor and friend. I loved being with her. She was simple and kind. She worked from sun up to sun down cooking, cleaning, sewing, and lovingly caring for her family.
She taught me to sew and to make quilts. Grandma taught me to embroider and crochet. We picked chokecherries together and gathered eggs. We went on walks together and sometimes we just sat and watched Lawrence Welk. I knew where the chocolate covered peanuts were hidden. I loved to help her wash and dry the dishes. She was the best cook I've ever known. The memory of her delicious beef and noodles, rolls, fried chicken, wilted lettuce salad and strawberry-rhubarb pie has not diminished over the years.
As I got older, I still loved to visit and always felt such a warm feeling every time I drove into the yard. Sometimes she asked me to to wash and set her hair. As she got older, I started to worry that each visit might be my last.
I remember the day she told me she was sick. Sick... I thought Grandma never gets sick. She showed me a spot on her hand, it was melanoma. It was just a few months and the cancer had metastasized. She was tired but mercifully was not in too much pain. She was laying on her pretty blue couch the last time I saw her. She couldn't talk so I stroke her soft hair and told her how much I loved her. I have never had such a heavy heart as I did that day. She died peacefully the next day.
I'm thankful for that she got to hold Chris and Mark and that I could take take them to her home, a place that was so dear to me.
I really didn't ever want to turn and not find her there. I am glad I got to live next door and spend so much time with her. She lived a life of service, donating many of her beautiful quilts and other handmade items to charity. She lived a long and productive life.
I have a picture of her that I see everyday. I pass by it and see her smiling at me. I really love her. She was the perfect grandma for me. I look forward to seeing her again someday.