You can’t put a price tag on living near family. I grateful everyday that we live near Mark, Tiff, Cash, Colby, and Christopher. I know the stories and pictures I post would be very different if we didn't live nearby our precious family. I hope that never changes. I can't imagine not being able to watch Cash and Colby grow up. I don't ever want to miss out on Sunday dinners, birthday parties, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
I look at this map of the United States and I have family members that I love that live so far away. It makes me sad that I can't see them more often. I have brothers, a sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews that live in California, Colorado, Minnesota, Wyoming, Michigan, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Georgia, Arkansas, Washington, Indiana, New Mexico, and Tennessee.
Even though I manage to see most of my siblings and my mom once or twice a year, the time with them never feels like it's long enough. It goes quickly and there is always a sense of emptiness as we part.
I have a beloved aunt that lives in Oklahoma. She will be celebrating her 80th birthday on May 30th. Her daughters are hosting a birthday party for her on June 1st.
Mark and Tiff gave me a plane ticket for Mother's Day so I can go. I have never been to Oklahoma. I am so excited to spend a few days with Aunt Bernice and her family. Thanks so much Mark and Tiff, I appreciate your generosity!

I would love to visit my nephew Kevin and his family in Georgia. His daughter McKinley is very sick. She needs a heart transplant and I pray for her everyday.
You can’t put a price tag on family...
matter how close or far away you live from them.