About 15 minutes from our home is a place called Thanksgiving Point. It was founded in 1996 by Alan and Karen Ashton. Alan Ashton co-founded the software company WordPerfect. The company's financial success gave the Ashtons a desire to
give something back to the community. Although initially
planned as a place for their family to ride horses and care for farm
animals, the goal became to create a destination for the community to
enjoy nature and culture. There are events year round at Thanksgiving Point. We have enjoyed the restaurants, movie theaters, tulip festival, and the farm. Tim and I were so excited that we could take Cash to Cornbelly's this year! There are over 40 attractions and Cash ran and skipped from one to another. It was a blast to watch him!
Cash + Cornbelly's = one happy boy and the perfect day!
October 30, 2012
Thanks Ashton's!