My brother Kenny gave us quite a scare. He has been sick for months but didn't tell anyone. He has had heart problems for several years and the other day it caught up with him. My brother Lloyd went to see him and immediately insisted they go directly to the hospital. He had severe swelling in his abdomen and legs. He was so sick. He normally weighs about 175 pounds and when they weighed him at the hospital he was almost 212 pounds. That's about 40 pounds of fluid. They gave him medication and after several days the swelling is down.
Kenny has an irregular heart beat that cannot be treated with medication. The doctor wanted to shock his heart and hopefully restore a normal rhythm. He had a TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram) procedure to determine if he had any blood clots in or around his heart. The doctor did see a blood clot on the top of his heart so unfortunately could not shock his heart. It would be too risky, the clot can break away and travel directly to his brain. There, it can block an artery and cause a stroke. He will be taking Coumadin to thin his blood and reduce the size of the clot. He will be in the hospital for several more days. He still has a lot of swelling and fluid in his legs and abdomen. Kenny has a long way to go before he's out of the woods.
Kenny has amazing sons who are taking such
good care of him and are keeping
us all updated on his condition.
I am so proud of Carl, Jimmy and Jake,
they are great young men.
I'm also so proud of his son Kevin. He lives in Georgia, so his support comes long distance but I know the phone calls give Kenny a boost. good care of him and are keeping
us all updated on his condition.
I am so proud of Carl, Jimmy and Jake,
they are great young men.
I'm also grateful for my brothers and my Mom, who would do anything to help him. I wished I lived a little closer but I will be going to Cheyenne soon to see him.
I love my brother. We have a good relationship, we always have. He's the best trim carpenter around and he's also an amazing artist. He gives the best hugs and he always says, "I love you Sis."
Get well soon Grandpa!