Our happy little grandson turns two years old today. We couldn't be more thankful for such a wonderful little guy who just brings such delight to our lives. He continues to be one of our richest blessings. He is so smart and clever. He says something new every time we see him. Yesterday we went for a walk and he started saying, "Oh no, not again" over and over. I love it when he puts his little hand on my arm and says, "Love Grandma" or when he wants me to hold him he will say "Hold you." He will have a "whittle brudder" in five days and I know he will be the best big brother and a big helper to Mommy and Daddy.
Dear Cash,
It's incredible that another year has passed since you first graced us with your smile. I still remember that day as though it were yesterday. Grandpa and I tried to sleep the night before, but we were too excited to meet you. We waited all day before the telephone rang and Daddy told us to come to hospital because it was almost time for you to be born. We prayed as Mommy went into surgery. And then, Heavenly Father answered our prayers with the best possible gift in the world. Cash Harrison Williams!
And when they let me hold you, well, it was the most wonderful feeling!
Love just poured out of me, and it hasn't stopped. Since
that night two years ago, you have brought so much joy and love into our
The days that we spend together are so wonderful. I can't think of anything I would rather do than play cars with you, feed the ducks, sing songs or all the other things you like to do at Grandma's house.
You have grown so much in the last year.... and we feel so blessed to have had a front row seat.
As your Grandma, I only have one job to do.... and that is to love you unconditionally all the days of our lives. There is nothing I would rather do. I will always be here for you. I am looking forward to many things, I dream of taking you to the beach and Disneyland, baking lots more chocolate chip cookies and watching you discover more new things. I am also looking forward to many more nights reading to you and lots more hugs and kisses.
Love, Grandma
The days that we spend together are so wonderful. I can't think of anything I would rather do than play cars with you, feed the ducks, sing songs or all the other things you like to do at Grandma's house.
You have grown so much in the last year.... and we feel so blessed to have had a front row seat.
What a little man you have grown into!

As your Grandma, I only have one job to do.... and that is to love you unconditionally all the days of our lives. There is nothing I would rather do. I will always be here for you. I am looking forward to many things, I dream of taking you to the beach and Disneyland, baking lots more chocolate chip cookies and watching you discover more new things. I am also looking forward to many more nights reading to you and lots more hugs and kisses.
Love, Grandma
Happy Birthday Cash!
I hope you have the best birthday a 2 year old boy can have.