Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A preview of things to come...

Brooke and Dustin blessed their newest little daughter on Sunday. I love baby blessings and Dustin gave Billie Elizabeth a wonderful blessing.
Learn more about how we bless our babies here. or here.

We had dinner after at their home and it was fun to watch Cash with Billie. (Notice the dimples on Cash's cheek and on Grandma's cheek).

He gave her hugs and kisses and held her hand.

He loved her little toes!

And he really wanted her binky. Cash will the best big brother and he got some great hands on practice!  

Chris became a "big brother" when he was only 10 1/2 months old! 

 It took him a little while to adjust to his new role...

but Chris and Mark have been good friends ever since!

It was fun to gather with family and celebrate the safe arrival of Billie. She is so adorable and I love all her dark hair. Thanks to Brooke and Dustin for inviting us to share in your special day.