Friday, June 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home through the years....

In the summer of 1992 we began building our home in Highland, Utah.

I can't believe how young Chris and Mark were!

It has been our Home Sweet Home on Oak Creek Lane for the past 20 years. 

It could use a little updating but I still love it. 

Tim and I removed some wallpaper and painted the master bedroom and bath awhile ago.

It was a BIG job. I was so over the wallpaper and I'm pretty sure I will never have it again - but 20 years ago it was the hip thing to have.

Two rooms done... 10 more to go.

In 1999 we had a fire that caused a lot of damaged. A heating pad one of us were using over heated and started the sofa on fire. It's suppose to turn off on its own.  But it didn't and around 1:30 the smoke detector started screaming. We thought it was a false alarm because they would go off randomly some times. Tim went to check things out and and yelled to me there's a fire. Chris and Mark were sleeping downstairs.  Mark had pulled a chair by the alarm downstairs and was trying remove the battery!

The fire burned the electrical lines so it was very dark and the phone was not working. Tim was frantically searching for the fire extinguisher. Chris, Mark and I were throwing pans of water on the fire. By then the flames were to the ceiling.

The fire retardant on the sofa made a lot of terrible black smoke and we had trouble breathing. It was so hot that the glass in the windows shattered and the silk plants in the family room and kitchen melted. Tim found the fire extinguisher and was able to put it out. Our insurance adjuster said we were so fortunate because in just minutes the fire would have been in the attic and we might not have been able to save our home. We went outside after we got the fire out and hugged each other for a long time. Tim offered a prayer and gave thanks that we were all safe and our home was spared. We had good insurance and in a few months everything was back to normal.

We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful setting.  We have wonderful neighbors. We want to live here forever!

More views from our front door...

Other places we have called Home Sweet Home...

This is our very first home in Cheyenne on Red Fox Road. It was on 5 acres north of Cheyenne Wyoming. Tim built it while attending law school. He planted all those trees in the picture.

We bought this home on Evers Street in Western Hills. 

We bought a nice lot on "The Avenues" and while we were building that home we rented this one on 8th Avenue.

Tim designed this house, and we built it on 6th Avenue in Cheyenne. It was a "Timber Frame" house and very energy efficient.

When we moved to Utah in 1997 we rented this home in Alpine on Ft. Canyon Road.

This is what it looks like now.

The trees have grown so much you can't see the house!

We then bought this house on Golden Oak Lane in Hidden Oaks. We lived here for about a year then decided to build another home.

So we sold the Golden Oak Lane house and rented this one in Hidden Oaks while our new house was being built.

The trees have really grown since we lived there.

That's it, eight homes in 30 years.