"Stop it!" was the message from President Dieter F. Uchtdorf at our most recent General Conference on the subject of judging, holding grudges, gossiping and an assortment of other unkind and unholy actions. This was one of my favorite talks.
topic of judging others could actually be taught in a two-word sermon.
When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding
grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following:
Stop it!
that simple. We simply have to stop judging others and replace
judgmental thoughts and feelings with a heart full of love for God and
His children.
My dear brothers and sisters, consider the following questions as a self-test:
- Do you harbor a grudge against someone else?
- Do you gossip, even when what you say may be true?
- Do you exclude, push away, or punish others because of something they have done?
- Do you secretly envy another?
- Do you wish to cause harm to someone?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to apply the two-word sermon from earlier: stop it!
~ President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, April 2012 General Conference