"I love her. Henry paused at the thought. He didn't even know what that was, or what it meant, but he felt it, burning in his chest--feeling fuzzy inside. Nothing else seemed to matter. Not the somber crowd of camp workers drifting to the barbed-wire gate. Not the machine guns in the towers above.
Henry began to wave, then lowered his hand slowly as the words, "I love you" rolled off his tongue. She was too far away to hear it, or maybe he didn't make a sound, but she knew, and her mouth echoed the same statement as her hand touched her heart and pointed at Henry. He simply smiled and nodded, turning back to the gate."
~ Jamie Ford, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Wonderful book, beautiful story. I loved every page and didn't want it to end. Another favorite, thanks for the recommendation Robyn!!