Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lord willing, and if the creek don't rise...

Our beautiful mountains are covered with record snowfall. In April and May we had cooler than normal temperatures and record rain fall. Now the heat is on and all that snow is melting and filling our stream. The water comes out of the American Fork Canyon, and our subdivision is only about 6 miles from its exit. It's more water than we have seen in the 23 years we have lived in Hidden Oaks.

We live near the stream ~ on the the most beautiful street in our neighborhood but also the most vulnerable for flooding. We have great neighbors who helped get sandbags in place. The water levels are being monitored 24 hour a day, Tim has a turn tonight.

A track-hoe stands ready,  in case we need to excavate a channel on the other side of the covered bridge to help carry the water around it.

The culvert carrying the water underneath the bridge is completely full.

All the homes on our street have drains and pumps.

The pumps work great as long as we have power. There is a chance the electrical lines could go if the stream swamps the bridge so Tim got a gas pump to handle basement water just in case. Tim is amazing, even with his bum hand he got it all set up.

The "experts" say if we can hold on about 10 more days, then we'll make it. We're crossing our fingers - but its suppose to hit 90 degrees on Wednesday.

Lord willing, and if the creek don't rise!