A few months ago the young women at my church were having a fundraiser. They wanted homemade items so I donated a blessing gown and afghan that I crocheted. Long story short, two of my neighbors were bidding on the blessing gown. Jane wanted the gown for her daughter Mindy and Larry promised his daughter he would get the dress for her. Jane didn't know that Larry had made this promise to his daughter so she kept bidding until they got to about $230.00, Jane had reached her limit and stopped bidding. I found out about this a few days later so I told my sweet friend Jane that I would make her another gown.
Her daughter has been single for many years and she finally found a great guy and they were married about a year ago. They are expecting a baby girl next month. I am so happy for Mindy. I think she's 38 and has waited patiently with faith for this blessing in her life. Prayers answered!