all add up to the Williams Family Christmas Party 2010 Edition!
Games for the children, thanks Terri!
Love my sister-in-law Pam aka Wonder Woman!
Our Christmas angel
Uncle Lee loves to give gifts, cutest hat ever!
Cash is not a fan of hats yet but he sure looks adorable!
Cash settles down for a long winter's nap in Grandma's arms.
The Queen's Storyteller spends many hours preparing a story and costume every year.
It was a another wonderful story about how Santa needed help unthawing some frozen Christmas trees. Four fairies tried find a solutions for Santa. Elijah suggested solar panels and a heater, brilliant boy!
The children love Lee's stories and this year he left us with a cliff hanger. We will have to wait to here the conclusion of this story ~ maybe next week!
Thank you Lee!!
Pam and Kennan produced another amazing Nativity Pageant, (we missed having Brooke and family with us).
Tim was a wonderful narrator, just one slip when he said that Mary was Joseph estranged wife instead of espoused... oops!
Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus portrayed by Mark, Tiff and Cash. So sweet!
Lots of other grandchildren helped tell the first Christmas story.
My grandson, a precious moment I'll never forget.
Great to be together, thanks everyone!